Statistical decision theory and bayesian analysis by James O. Berger
Statistical decision theory and bayesian analysis James O. Berger ebook
Publisher: Springer
Page: 316
Format: djvu
ISBN: 0387960988, 9780387960982
Book that sparkles with ideas and analysis of fundamental. I'll recommend a book I find canonical that covers the philosophical and practical problems of hypothesis testing quite well and in depth: Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis by J.O. Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis. David Snowden's Cynefin framework, introduced to articulate discussions of sense-making, knowledge management and organisational learning, has much to offer discussion of statistical inference and decision analysis. Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis (Springer Series. First, Jim has contributed and is contributing immensely to statistical science from many respects, first and foremost in grounding Bayesian analysis within decision theory. Berger's Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis. I explore its value, particularly in its .. Indeed, behaviour in the known and knowable space builds on scientific knowledge, the archetypal example of combined explicit knowledge, that is, scientific models and theories. Peter de Blanc, I don't have an example, just a vague memory of reading about minimax-optimal decision rules in J. Berger,